3S company logo
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days dedicated to audits per year
of the goods are sent to export
certificates and labels : IFS, BRC, ISO 14001, Organic Agriculture, OEA and CSR
validated customers audits

3S is a full-fledged player in the agri-food sector. We are convinced of the need to constantly develop the company’s “Quality, Legality and Food Safety Culture” so that each employee, at all levels, is aware and committed on a daily basis to producing safe, legal products of the expected quality. In this approach, we are ISO 14001 and IFS-BRC certified and recognized as a trusted partner in the international supply chain. The company is also certified Organic.


The last link before marketing your wines, the guarantee of bottling in accordance with the requirements of the various markets is therefore essential. Since 2004, our company has been IFS-BRC certified – food safety for mass distribution.


The Management is committed to an ongoing process of controlling food safety (HACCP method) and raising awareness on a daily basis among all teams. Annual audits are carried out unannounced, thus certifying the quality of the processes implemented as well as the commitment of our staff.


This principle guarantees our customers precision, rigor and regularity in the treatment of the wines entrusted to us as well as total traceability from their entry to their exit from the company.


In order to protect your wines and your customers, 3s is recognized by French customs as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). This approach ensures total protection of your goods on our premises: reliability and accountability of our staff; securing access to our premises; securing the digital data entrusted and the storage of goods.
All the procedures put in place, from the entry to the exit of your wines, allow us to fight against fraud and malicious acts, and thus guarantee you food and administrative security.


“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


This is how we commit to respecting the regulatory obligations that apply to us. Beyond that, we are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance by limiting our energy and water consumption and by recovering our waste.

Our environmental objectives, like our quality and safety objectives, are anchored in our company culture and are updated quarterly and with each change affecting our business.


We are certified to receive, store and bottle organic wines. All our staff are trained in this process and aware of the particularities of organic products. Do not hesitate to contact us.


You know our certifications. Discover our history: HERE